Press Office

Contact for press enquiries!

Journalists and editorial offices are welcome to contact the Press Office staff with their enquiries by email or phone. Please understand that the Press Office can only answer press-related enquiries. Would you like to be included in our press distribution list? Then send us an email stating your name, editorial office, medium and email address: Press releases by subscription

Holger Klein - Spokesman

Holger Klein - Spokesman

Holger Klein

E-Mail: Holger.Klein(at)
Phone: 0221 - 20808 - 47

Benjamin Jeschor - Deputy spokesman

Benjamin Jeschor - Deputy spokesman

Benjamin Jeschor

E-Mail: benjamin.jeschor(at)
Phone: 0221 - 20808 - 471

Jessica Buhl -  Press and public relations

Jessica Buhl - Press and public relations

Jessica Buhl

E-Mail: jessica.buhl(at)
Phone: 0221 - 20808 - 57

Sharon Beatty - Press and public relations "Zukunftsnetz Mobilität NRW"

Sharon Beatty - Press and public relations "Zukunftsnetz Mobilität NRW"

Sharon Beatty

E-Mail: sharon.beatty(at)
Phone: 0221 - 20808 - 746

Customers please use our email contact form below for your enquiries: Customer enquiries

The VRS customer support staff is available round the clock on +49 180 6 6 50 40 30 (landline 20 ct/call, mobile max. 60 ct/call) to assist with information on timetables and fares.